Let it Go Out – Top Websites for Online Confessions and Real Life Stories

Confessions make you vent out your mind. Psychologists have proved that confessing decreases your stress levels. People confess, that is, they tell something they preferred to keep secret and to themselves only. Traditionally people confess in Churches, Temples and other religious places. People confess their secrets and their life stories with family members, friends and sometimes even strangers.
In this era of digital, everyone is going online. People are going online to pay their rent and bills or even make donations. This trend is making people go online to confess. Yes, people are going online and sharing their confessions, secrets and real-life stories. There is no need to go to church to relieve yourself from the guilt. Now you can confess online with just one click, and that too anonymously, without disclosing your identity.
In this blog post, I aim to provide you with a website that can help you with online confessions, share your experiences, and life stories and get advice on your problems…
Yes I Confess
If you are looking for a website where you can submit a confession or read confessions and real-life stories submitted by other people, yesiconfess.com is amongst the best. Yesiconfess.com, popularly known and discussed by hashtag #YIC was launched in the year 2007. #YIC invites you to confess online that too anonymously, without revealing your identity. One can submit a confession or a real-life story without any registration or verifying identity. The site has a simple and elegant design and works well on mobile devices as well, so whenever you have time to read confessions and stories, you can switch to yesiconfess.com and read what other people are confessing.
With new additions each day, one can read and submit confessions in the below categories
- Love
- Hate
- Home and Family
- Religion
- My life
- Miscellaneous
- Adult and Intimate
You can post your comment, rate other comments and choose to get email updates when someone posts a comment. Users can subscribe and get all new confessions by email. The website has a good presence on social media channels, Facebook and Twitter. Simply visit yesiconfess.com and start submitting and reading confessions online. URL www.yesiconfess.com
Some Confessions From this Websites –
No Phone Sharing
I really dislike sharing my phone with my sister. in a matter of fact, i don’t like this idea of sharing phones. in the future, i want everyone to have their own phones and use it on their own time. i hope to have this phone im using right now and not share it with my sister. Link
I am Sick of Myself
I am so sick of my life right now. I don’t know how I ended up where I am, the only thing I know for sure is I am where I am because I lived a lazy life. What I really want to do is leave my wife and son and move to LA. Link
I Don’t Use Toilet Papers
It’s been month and I have stopped using toilet papers to clean and swipe my a**. One day toilet papers in my toiler were finished and I used a piece of cloth to wipe my a**. and it was awesome. I felt much better than wiping your ass with tissue paper. I felt much clean and dry. Link
What do people say?
– Hundreds and thousands of us are visiting yesiconfess.com to share our guilt, where else could I have confessed that I cry every morning, I am missing my wife, who died in a car accident. I was driving the car, and I was drunk, drunk more than what I could have…. – Bad Husband
– I go through websites and read confessions daily. It is fun. Yes, it is fun, but I also see that there are many people who are facing the same problem or have gone through some difficulties as mine, I do not feel alone, all because of these confessions – Ms. Raut
– I feel petty for people who have gone through such bad life experiences. I am thankful to god for giving me such a better and more peaceful life. – Sierra A.
– I have never ever submitted any confession, but I love to read what other people are confessing. It is like fun and joyful activity for me. I do that daily. Oops, is that a confession too? – Dennis J, NY
Open up your heart and share your experiences with #YIC –Yes I Confess; Relieve your body and soul of the stress you have been facing for days. Thousands of individuals have shared their difficult moments to embrace life with a smile. So, what are you waiting for? Confess your life story.
I cheated on my boyfriend when we were dating but the only reason why I did it was because he kept cheating on me and I still loved him them and now but I don’t want to tell him because now we have a kid together he’s cheated on me since even before pregnancy and I cheated on him twice while he was cheating me plenty of times I lost count . I pray and pray for god to forgive me
Ok, like honestly ive had enough of this bullshit- i cant stand the fact that im virtual but my parents said- “its good for you” pffft my ass its right. smh all these damn kids passing and im failing and falling like a bird with no wings…. like i also need to focus- i keep getting on different games and stuff instead of my classes its so damn tempting tho….. and actually i’ve had straight A’s since pre-k, im failing miserably F’s and D’s in every class but ONE- that one has an A/98……and uh… i dont actually cuss this much- damn- i never thought i was this dark about this- 0_0
Hey everyone I am a white male who has always had feelings of bisexuality but I have never acted on my feelings I will tell you that I don’t find men attractive but I love the male penis I love wearing womens bras and panties and lingerie I have worn makeup and want to perform oral on a man and want to dress up for him and have him do me analy I have used dildos on my self I love women but when I masturbate I fantasize about sex with a man I have swallowed my own cum then hate myself after I know I am bisexual and oh shit I can hear you all now telling me to pick a side and really just admit that you are gay so not true I have felt this way my entire life and have tried so hard to stop these feelings but they won’t go away and have only gotten stronger as I have gotten older and yes I have called therapist to talk but when I make an appointment I always back out because I am to embarrassed to sit in front of someone and say this so I guess I will go on hating myself why stop now I have hated myself my whole life and so many times I have thought if I wasn’t here it would be so much easier so thank you for listening to this very confused bisexual person and you know what I am a person and a good person a friend a brother and yes a husband and I still hate me
Hi I want to confess that I was never a good wife. I always avoided my husband and never fulfilled his physical need as well as any other need. I am a very bad wife. He had extra marital affair because I ignored him. Now after 10 years of marriage and two daughters, he has contested for divorce because I also added had extra marital affair with my colleague. Even my husband was having affair. But somehow he has justification for that coz i ignored him. But i also started affair bcoz i was hurt from his affair. I admit that i made my married life hell. And my kids life too. I am now very sorry and ashamed for everything that i did wrong. And now suddenly i everything is flashing back to me whatever i did wrong. I am very very sorry for everything and I know whatevr has happened couldnt be brought back.
But I still want to change myself and take care of my husband’s needs. I want to give our kids all happiness together with their father.
I have begged for one chance but now he has moved on. I dont want to lose him. I love him and want to restart new life with him but he has no feelings for me now. 😔
So I have a crush on this guy in my class, its not really a crush actually, I’ve fallen in love with him for about 5 years, the story I want to confess was my own friends likes my crush too, but she didn’t know I had a crush on him she thought I already move on. One day I pretend to ask her did she have crush on him, and she said “not anymore” then I ask again “why?” she said “he broke my heart” all I do was going silent, but I really feel bad for my friend, I’m thinking to just move on from my crush because that’s the moment I knew his true colour. Month by month I tried, its not working, I still love him but I really feel bad for my friend, I don’t what to do
Can you give me some advice?
Forgiveness of ones self